The Ice Cream Parlor

April Rand
4 min readFeb 26, 2022

I suppose that as long as Americans don’t see any bodies falling from huge airplanes, that we are handling yet another disaster, caused by the STUPID climate change Socialist Cultists, led in Russia by none worse than John Catsup Kerry, who speaks for us.

Instead of keeping our energy flowing at home, we gave up energy independence on day one of the horrendous biden experiment, thus, 2 dangerous and Bad-For-America over seas horrors, in just over one year, actually I’d say it’s 3, as China quietly, (with help from biden), manages hundreds of thousands of American deaths by providing Fentanyl at our open southern border by the boatload. These two bad guys, Putin and Xi, have long ago taken the measure of the man who stumbled into the Presidency just several months ago and liked very much what they saw. Someone totally incapable of the job expected of him. Perfect for their sinister plans. With the once great power out of the way, who on Earth would dare challenge a Xi-Putin collaboration, made rich by stupidity, the thinking that if we do not pump our own rich oil beneath our feet, that somehow that would be helping the planet? Someone has to do it, step up countries who hate us. With Putin busy re-building The original Soviet Union, and Xi preparing to take over Taiwan, we are left as beggers for the oil from Russia to run our country. biden begs and pleads, and also OPEC will not increase it’s oil reserve, we are left with Iran, soon we will be signing whatever they want in order to provide us with the oil that we had so much of we were selling to our allies in Europe not 18 months ago. Do we feel it is worth it? Or do we feel like sudenly we have been upended, to the bottom, from the top of the heap, where we belong.

We are culturally sick, educating half a million Chinese every year at our finest colleges, only to find out that these students must sign a pact with the CCP, that everything they learn while here be made available to the horrid government when they get home. We also teach our own children to hate America, born with sins taught we can never shake. That is a one-two punch that would bring down any culture. Democracy has always been dependent on trusting our leaders. Trusting that they not be compromised in any way to our enemies, who consider us The Great Satan. When we begin to agree, we are finished off , all that is left is to pick at our bones. I am watching this transpire from my generation born after WW2, I never witnessed America be The Great. But trust me, my mother and father brought me up, along with the schools, and the pledge of allegiance to the flag every morning, to realize that I was among the lucky ones. An all-American girl they used to say. Now that is something to be ashamed of?

No, no I don’t want Russian gas in my car. No, I am not represented by an old man that I just know I am smarter than, a man who is too stubborn not to repeat his mistakes, or even admit them. I live in shame every day because my eyes are wide open and I can smell defeat in the air before we have even picked up a weapon. Because we still have 3 years of feckless leadership ahead, lead by stubborn old-man personality traits, a leader who can barely read a teleprompter. And who wrote what the president reads? Who is running us all off a cliff? Who is so stupid?

I think it’s important to say that now or never we must realize that the Reagon-Trump leading through strength stabilizes the whole world. We cannot have it back fast enough. Yesterday may have been too late. We should never have let go of President Trump’s policy’s. If biden had spent the last year and a few months in an ice cream parlor, and not done a thing, not touched Afghanistan, or the pipeline bringing liquid gold to us every day from Canada, or fracking, (who was that hurting), or the Southern Border, we would be healthier today. In China they do not go to any lengths to keep oil underground and safe. We will suffer, biden says, what he means is YOU will suffer, not him, not his crime family, same with the police, YOU will suffer, not we million-airs who have private security measures. This 4 years , trying to make the greenies happy, is not going to work . Not listening to Generals on the ground in Afghanistan, then calling them liars is not going to work. Build Back Better…….well you can only imagine. We are today in the most precarious situation. As Bad Guys lick their lips, and, because he can, our leader goes back ‘home’ to Deleware until Monday, to the basement, as if he were in Ukraine this weekend, so as not to face the truth, if it is possible that he has the mental clarity to face anything……that is being kept secret. We the people have no right to know the mental health of our leader, the person who brought out the guys with guns from Afghanistan first, and left everybody and everything else to fend for themselves. I worry and I fret at what year two and three will bring, not in Delaware, but in the world, as a still proud all-American.



April Rand

I live by the Golden Rule…..If you don’t want it, don’t do it to anybody else.