Playing With Fire

April Rand
7 min readJul 27, 2022


Hopefully, we will soon have an election and that will help.

First : No borders no country. We have to start cleaning up this place, after 2 short years of anarchy. Remember, not everyone is right in the thinking dept. People followed Jimmy Jones down to So. America to Build Back Better. Cool minds must prevail. We gave the big mouths exactly what they wanted. Does it feel successful, are we on to a better life here? We have to know who we are voting for. Read up on every candidate. If there is no cheating, and China does not poison the world (no repercussions), I have faith that Americans know enough to vote us out of this mess the liberals and their bright ideas got us into. ALL of them must be voted OUT, TERM LIMITS should be on the ballot, really, Pelosi has been in office for more than 30 years. A lifetime. She makes $223,500. She and her husband (who was just in an accident alone, no other car, but driving so drunk that he TOTALED his car). Thats not easy. (no repercussions). Today, after decades of cheating America through the stock market, they are worth 220 million dollars. He doesn’t work. I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Nancy Pelosi’s husband just dumped his NVIDIA stock right before Congress is set to pass the ‘CHIPS-plus’ bill — They have been working the system for a long time. Oddly, she goes along with millions of illegals coming here every day, but has a high tech wall around her mansion in SanFran…She must go, common sense. The people who are the faces of our gov. (NOT the ones behind the scenes Wizard of Oz style) seem to me to be so old, so very rich, and so disconnected from us, working Americans. As if they feel they are better than us. Actually, what has been forgotten, along with the Constitution, is that the idea from the start was that we elect our leaders and, like with any job, they get paid with our tax $ and so they work for us. In that case, if it were up to you who would you fire first? Would you go back and begin with the Generals who handled the Afghanistan debacle? (no repercussions), or the Vice President for being told what to do by her boss but never did it? (the southern border), in any job if given a task, and don’t do it, no excuse, we would defiantly be replaced for the good of the business, whatever it may be.

The former Mayor of So. Bend, Indiana, in way over his head, has a very huge and difficult job. How’s transportation lately? Been on a road trip with the family? Been to the airport for a quick weekend in Miami? Out from under junk covering our faces for two years, science tells us it never mattered, but you followed the rule. You have earned it. How are your roads, bridges, etc.? About the same? I wonder what does Pete do all day? He actually said that certain roads are racist. Would you trust his judgement with important decisions having to do with your business, or life in any way, after hearing that? He needs help with his thinking. Roads are not racist. Don’t drink their kool aid. The oceans will not be boiling like the climate cult says it will. The oceans are fine. We are crazy to think otherwise. The seasons (I grew up in upstate NY) have come and gone as usual all my life and nothing changes. Our problems we are having now all began when China allowed their evil ways to effect the whole world……it’s been downhill since then. We tried to fix it. (Don’t f — — w/ Mother Nature, you will surely lose)……biden actually said he would fix the virus. Some people believed him? An 80 year old man? We’ve had pandemics before, they simply burn out eventually. Last one was 100 years ago, “The Great Influenza” by J. Barry is a great read about that pandemic. biden says things that are impossible and allows anarchy with people who WANT TO DO AWAY WITH PRISONS. We should not make these people in charge of anything but themselves. They are not thinking straight. It’s a Jimmy Jones situation. I am beside myself because I have common sense. I will not need 200million$ when I am 80 years old. How greedy, how cruel. I look down on those who will never have ENOUGH. Who dare judge others. Label people they have not met. I am not particularly religious, but I was raised to respect others, respect people carrying out our rules of law, like the police, try not to break the law. But since the last election, I see our “leaders” breaking the law every day. They don’t seem to know right from wrong. Bad guys from good people. They are dyslectic in their thinking, they worry and protect bad people who, on video tape, kill, rape and steal. The children Pelosi says she is working for, has dedicated her life to, come here alone, you see them on the news, and must repay the cartels who helped them make the trip. Thousands of $ at 5 years old. The boys and little girls should have stayed with their families. The thought of the horror of being “used”by strangers at that age hurts my heart badly. I remember being little and aware at that age, do you? Can you imagine what it must be like for these babies, cast off, dead but still alive? No outside chance for any “American dream”. That dream is for our relatives who came here and studied our history, were examined by Dr.’s , learned the language, and, after 5 years, they go through their citizenship ritual. This country, when it was a country, (no borders no country), used to grant a million citizenships a year to green card holders. I learned about it by reading : These laws of course are still on the books. Each one of us are here because of a long ago relative who worked very hard to accomplish something very precious. American citizenship.

I feel better after writing down the things I feel. It is my therapy. It has been very hard for me these past couple of years. I have lived with appreciation to be born to a mother who’s bloodline is traced back to the settlers who escaped religious persecution, and a heavy handed approach to governing. The brave, the strong and healthy only made the trip. Approached America and began the process of becoming free, free in every way. All that is asked is not to break laws that are there to prevent the things we see each and every day since the last election. That is not too much to ask, when you know how it must feel to live in fear, as so many do around the world, I’ll never forget seeing how Communist China locked people who had/didn’t have the virus into their homes to die . (no repercussions) It is simply because people are not valued in a Communist/Socialist/Marxist State. They are used to work, to entertain, to reproduce. (Remember back a bit, in China they used to drown babies if they were female?) In America, we believe that we live Under God, a Greater Power, it humbles us.

But what happens when there is a mistake made on a grand scale, such as what happened to us after the election? When we realized we were scammed? Cheated, Stolen from? The moment you realized that our leader, our representative on the world stage, is the wrong man for the job, and his partner is bad for us too? It feels like when you miss a step and fall and are forever changed. For the worse. Everything your common sense, such as respecting and appreciating that Mother Nature knows what she’s doing, and knowing in your heart that a gun is an object like any other. It’s the lawlessness that makes bad people (I don’t know why they are bad), want to hurt others, bad people who don’t respect and steal, and you know that our leaders look us in the eye and lie to us. Without a doubt, our current leaders cheat, and steal from us (inflation, just another tax) every day. In all our history, have we have never had babies that cannot be fed properly. Our current leader is so s-l-o-w, that he works only on things that have already happened. He knew, he was told about the problem in Oct. By June alarms were going off. In late June and now, certain children have special needs. They are not being met. Unimaginable. It’s all like a bad dream. It’s a very very bad time, we must correct course, or there will be no more freedom, no more common sense, you know what they say about playing with fire. We may all get burned.



April Rand
April Rand

Written by April Rand

I live by the Golden Rule…..If you don’t want it, don’t do it to anybody else.

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