April Rand
4 min readDec 20, 2019


Nancy’s Panic

Great Constitutional minds have been all over not Fake News tonight. Here’s what I have learned. It is NOT considered an impeachment, until the results of the farce in Nancy’s House are sent over to the

Senate for trial. Nancy is now the dog that caught the car. She wants Mitch McConnell to do things a certain way, and script it for him. In a way she is blackmailing him and the Senators…

you could look at it that way. She wants things her way, as they were in the House.That will be the day. In actuality, she is ruder-less now. Playing it by ear. Over her head.

In the White House, the President has chosen his law team, and wants his trial. He is ready to go. Who wouldn’t be? He has the truth, the facts, and the law on his side.

Apparently the President is in good spirits, today USMCA was FINALLY written into law, which will be GREAT for this country. It was President Trumps baby of course as we know,

and the Dems want to take credit for it. The Dems held it up. It could have been done a year ago. President Trump really could care less about credit.

President Trump, as opposed to the Democratic Party, knows we, the people of this country he loves so dearly, are not stupid. We see it and we understand what has just taken place.

He is the most selfless President imaginable. And the strongest. What he has been through since our own law enforcement began spying on his campaign, in 2016,

before he became President, and the Washington Post’s headline the day he took office, Jan 22, 2016, said: “Today Impeachment Begins”,…..

Russia-gate, the horrid Bret Kavanaugh trial, as if this great statesman was a dangerous criminal, rumors of a recession, caused by the Presidents’ terrible economy…

then Ukraine, a sad, corrupt country where Obama refused help while Russian soldiers slaughtered Ukranian countrymen. Trump made sure they could defend themselves.

It’s called Humanity. Making the world respect us again, thank you Mr. President. Remind all the rich European countries that we are no longer the piggy bank of the world.

They have paid up. No one had ever asked before, they said. No more policing the world either. Defend yourself, and so will we. Trump will never be a President of the

world. He uses the word Nationalist, and that is what I am too. We should always take care of our homeland first and foremost. No more unending wars. So many countries become dependent and lazy.

Trump watches our tax dollars as if they were in his wallet. He realizes that every dollar represents someone’s work. His head is firmly on his shoulders and his thoughts are for our futures. No, climate

change. No babies not given a chance, because they are inconvenient for their mothers. He is color blind , and when he is called a bigot it is laughable. No sanctuary cities, how ridiculous. Borders

should be tight. Although the Dems have completely forgotten the morning of 9–11, the President never will. Who is here illegally? No More. There are no Nazi’s to flee from. Ellis Island is a history lesson

about how hard it was for our families to come here and become citizens. Now it seems an insult to the Dems, just come on in, we will care for you, free of charge.

I am afraid that they have now run out of shams, lies, and witch hunts, we don’t believe you Nancy, Schiff, Nadler, Maxine, Alexandria, Ilham, and all the rest of you despicable socialists.

We are Capitalists, this is a democracy, and The President is our one and only commander and chief. If you can’t respect The President, you must respect The Office. YOU are mistaken.

When you tell us our President is an “Existential Threat To The Constitution” , we don’t believe you. After all you have put us through, all you are now are sore losers, crying over old, sour spilt milk.

You wanted this Impeachment for a very long time. You forgot a long time ago, that there is an election in less than a year. Being a Democracy, we, the voters, at that time will decide how we feel

about the job the President has done, and if he should continue. That is up to us. You work at our pleasure. If you make us unhappy, or do something that makes us uncomfortable, we simply vote you

out. To coin a phrase: You’re fired. It’s just that simple. This Impeachment nonsense has been like you Dems telling 63 million people, for which you work, that we made a mistake in 2016. And it’s up

to you to be sure we don’t make the same mistake again. You know better than us. Try that at any job, see how it goes. Speaking for myself, after only 3 years I feel that you and your sick and

ridiculous and probably illegal, at the very least “weak”, and on life support, 1/2 of an Impeachment…..are so very fired. Some of you, Comey, may go to jail, but most will just retreat to your mansions,

much richer than when you got to Washington….always to be known as a former member of the swamp. Before Trump came along. In a hazmat suit.

You have ruined many lives while here, just in the last few years. Well, now you have it. The Holy Grail of the Finger, Impeachment. Nothing feels different, except your panic.

I can smell it in the air…..What are you going to do next, Nancy? You have no good choice for your party, do you?

You are a loser now, because half an Impeachment is nothing. If your impeachment that you rushed toward so fast, so bracingly, is sent to trial it will destroy you and your comrades, I am just one

voter, but of this I am sure. It is human nature. You can’t assume your opponent is stupid and weak. Always assume the worst, that they are, and have always been in on your corruption.

Then, if all 63 million Trump voters turn out to be deplorable, stupid, and aimless, you will have victory in less than a year. But Nancy, I wouldn’t bet on it.




April Rand

I live by the Golden Rule…..If you don’t want it, don’t do it to anybody else.