April Rand
3 min readSep 30, 2020


A Debate

April Rand

Tonights debate was two against one. I knew it when I heard who was moderating.

Have drug tests, or give voters a medical exam report on 77 year old Joe Biden, who wants to displace President Trump. Donald Trump did this before he was elected President.

We deserve a list of Biden’s choices for the High Court, it says so much about the man.

Have an MRI to see which areas of his brain are malfunctioning, and not allowing him any control over his temper, in inappropriate situations, flat out lying for no reason about where he went to school over 50 years ago? Why? This man is not all there. I know it’s been said and said but isn’t it important that we know? The way after 50 years in the swamp he didn’t know enough to show ANY respect for the Office of The Presidency, if he can’t bring himself to realize Trump is who we hired for the job. The way he spoke to the president. In an alternate universe where he is elected, will he tell President Chi of Communist China to shut up? Will he call him a clown? This old version of Biden does not have a way with people, like Trump does. He cannot seem to control his temper when he feels cornered. We, the people, have a right to know if the 3 brain surgeries he endured after his aneurisms have indeed effected control we all have when someone gets under our skin. IMO, he has lost any ability to handle himself in difficult or uncomfortable situations. This is important to us, the people. My goodness I would not let him babysit, much less run the country where I live. The country on it’s way to true greatness and escape from the swamp. 4 more years, with this President, the Senate and The House on his side. Already nominated for 3 high honors, when I talk to people from around the world such as Australia, they have respect and awe for POTUS, and thank us because they feel that they live in a more peaceful, stable world…..I wish Americans felt the same way.

We deserve to be sure that Biden isn’t a shadow candidate, thrust upon us for a larger agenda to carry through the New Green Deal, and the Socialist protocols and policies that otherwise didn't get much support during the Democrat primaries.

When he says he has been in politics for 180 years, is he is serious? We have been through a lot this year, and I include the President. Don’t we deserve to be sure that we aren’t being had?

Biden’s campaign is like no other. His outbursts are like no other. In our hearts and in our collective souls, we as Americans deserve to know specifically what he thinks and what he has up his sleeve, if anything. He avoids specificity. We don’t know anything about how he thinks about issues: reparations, the new foreign policies in the middle east, are we re-defining 1776, does he have dealing with our global enemy, China, which would be behind our back and corrupt. Unamerican. we need to know this new old man. Why is he hiding. Why won’t he answer any of our questions. Why does he always have to be rescued by a copasetic press? That is not what we want. We need to be led. Not down the garden path by a trojan horse.

By the way, why aren’t we voting as we always have? I live in NJ and I was told no one registered in our state is ALLOWED to vote at our regular polling place, in person, secure, familiar, safe, and same.

Instead I was told I would be receiving an official paper ballot in the mail, in early October, to be filled out and dropped in the mail. Yesterday, I, but not my husband, received an unsolicited absentee ballot in the mail. But it’s too early and it doesn’t feel right. Just as President Trump said, paper + post office are ripe for corruption. And it may just be the only way the Dems. have a chance.

I do not trust my Govenor, Demorat and desperate. He is capable of anything, I have been through being locked in my house by his order, and much more. Now he has taken away my right to vote in a way I am familiar with. No questions asked.

And so it begins. And China chuckles.

God help America. We will need it.



April Rand

I live by the Golden Rule…..If you don’t want it, don’t do it to anybody else.